Fun Commands for Fun Chatters
FUNctional Commands
- !captions Displays information on how to turn on and use the automated speech-to-text closed captions.
- !pronouns Displays a link to a third-party service that lets you set or remove your pronouns. This will show your pronouns in the 'popup'-style chat overlay on screen.
- !points Check StreamElements points.
- !redeems Check list of StreamElements redeems.
- !suggest {your suggestion} Make a suggestion for a command or redeem.
- !song Displays the song title and artist name for the song currently playing on stream.
- !discord Displays Discord link.
- !gamelink Displays an affiliate link to the game during sponsored streams, and to any free games played on stream.
Goofy Stuff
- !joke I will read a random joke from The Silly Kids Joke Book.
- !knockjoke I will read a random knock knock joke from The Pocket Pals book of Knock Knock Jokes.
- !addquote Add a Gomi quote to the record.
- !quote Recall a random Gomi quote.
- !fish Fishing minigame (when active).
- !fryme Get fried!
- !dinner Summon the R A T.
- !zoom Nyoom! (Thanks to KiriosThanatos for the wonderful GIF!).
Props, Effects, and Throwables
- !fry Add a random filter to my avatar! These stack for interesting combinations.
- !unfry Remove one filter from my avatar at random.
- !scan Time Warp scan of my avatar.
- !octagon Turn me into an octagon.
- !bomb Throw an explosive duck at me! Has a 10 minute cooldown.
- !duck Throw a rubber duck at me.
- !megaduck Throw a lot of rubber ducks at me.
- !omegaduck Throw even more rubber ducks!
- !jellyduck Throw wiggly, gelatinous rubber ducks.
- !jellycore Throw a gelatinous demon core (complete with screwdriver) at me.
- !jelly Throw a jelly at me.
- !oil Pour oil.
- !slime Pour slime.
- !slime2 Pour slime, but different colour.
- !gem Throw a ruby or diamond at me.
- !ball Throw a beach ball at me.
- !ball100 Throw 100 beach balls at me at once!
- !tomato Throw a tomato at me.
- !jeer Throw 100 tomatoes at me and jeer. Has a very long cooldown, so use it wisely.
- !bin Drop a rusty garbage bin on me.
- !jellyhat Toggle a jelly hat.
- !toaster Toggle a diesel-filled toaster hat.
- !traffic Toggle a traffic cone hat.
- !nerd Toggle anime nerd glasses.
- !pudding Toggle pudding hat.
- !fancy Add a random fancy hat! Fancy hats don't stack.
- !attack Trigger a large number of commands at once.
Avatar Motion and Deforms
- !yeet Yeet me off screen!
- !ragdoll Throw me upwards.
- !tpose Force t-pose.
- !squish Squished head
- !bighead Big head
- !giraffe Long neck
- !widehead Wide head
- !pinhead Pin head
- !crab Crab proportions
- !wide W I D E
- !cardboard Make me 2d!
- !normalhead Return head and neck to normal.
Voice Filters
- !demon Summon a demonic presence.
- !helium Fill the dump with helium.
- !cave Move the stream to a cave.
- !phone Listen to the stream through an old phone.
Sound Effects
- !sfx Displays sound effect command list.
- !jazzpiano
- !mlg
- !nani
- !sad
- !uwu
- !wow
- !yahoo
StreamElements Redeems
- !r sticker Put a sticker on me. Link a PNG image in chat and I will add it to my avatar. Costs 50 StreamElements Points.
- !r bin Stick me in a wheelie bin! Costs 40 StreamElements Points.
- !r classic I use the first avatar I streamed with for 30 minutes. Costs 500 StreamElements points.
- !r nightmare I use an ultra-hazardous prototype Gomi avatar for 30 minutes. Costs 2000 StreamElements points.
Raccoon Mascot Commands
- !pat
- !stroke
- !feed
- !scritch